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William Oddie

March 23, 2012
If the Prime Minister doesn’t want this perception to take hold, he had better start listening
March 21, 2012
The massacres never had anything remotely to do with the French debate on immigration
March 19, 2012
He is supposed to be a theologian: but his actions have been theologically incoherent
March 14, 2012
Legalising drugs reduces both crime and addiction
March 05, 2012
It would be a disaster almost impossible to reverse: this is the time to put a stop to it
February 20, 2012
Blair’s shameful subservience to Bush spawned the 2003 Extradition Act: it should be repealed forthwith
February 17, 2012
The Church’s values are not those of the Cameron government; there could be trouble ahead
February 15, 2012
As we celebrate 200 years since Dickens’s birth William Oddie recalls the writer’s uncanny vision of a woman in blue
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