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William Oddie

April 20, 2012
Tyrannical governments, unlike our own, just ignore the ECHR when they don’t like its judgments
April 18, 2012
There is, Darwin said, an ‘impossibility of conceiving this immense and wonderful universe … as the result of blind chance or necessity…. I deserve to be called a Theist’
April 16, 2012
Everyone knows that charities spend money carefully and beneficially: not so, necessarily, the government
April 11, 2012
He doesn’t even know the charges against him: so much for justice being seen to be done
March 30, 2012
It isn’t a judge’s business to reflect public outrage, but to act with judicial balance
March 26, 2012
Our bishops should make it clearer that they are not trying to disassociate themselves from the Magisterium
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