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Pope Francis
July 13, 2015
The Pope says like Joseph and Mary they had to go to another land 'where they knew no one'
July 10, 2015
The Pope makes remarks at opening Mass for Bolivia's Eucharistic congress
July 10, 2015
The Pope makes blistering attack on global economic system in address to activists in Bolivia
July 09, 2015
Francis is confounding those who presented him as an enemy of traditionalism. The movement is actually flourishing thanks to his ‘live and let live’ attitude
July 09, 2015
The Fifteenth Sunday of the Year
July 09, 2015
Francis also tells the president that the country has been shaped by the Catholic faith
July 09, 2015
At Ecuador's national Marian shrine Pope Francis urges clergy: 'Do not deny your roots'
July 09, 2015
Reports that Francis planned to 'do cocaine' in South America were outrageously misleading
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