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Pope Francis
July 21, 2015
Fr Barron is one of three new auxiliary bishops appointed by Pope Francis
July 21, 2015
A daily guide to what's happening in the Catholic Church
July 21, 2015
Gov Jerry Brown was speaking ahead of meetings organised by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences on climate change
July 20, 2015
The Pontiff spoke to crowds in St Peter's Square on Sunday before reciting the Angelus
July 13, 2015
Francis answered questions from journalists while flying home to Rome from South America
July 13, 2015
Whatever the crude political message behind President Morales's crucifix, the Pope transformed it into a higher purpose
July 13, 2015
'Communion with God always brings forth fruit,' Pope Francis told crowds gathered in Nu Guazu Park
July 13, 2015
The Holy Father spent time at the Ninos de Acosta Nu paediatric hospital on Saturday
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