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Pope Francis
August 28, 2015
Bishop Philip Egan said the 'alert' is for everyone in the diocese to help put Laudato Si into action
August 28, 2015
Pope Francis is due to visit Cuba in September - but group's opposing the government have concerns
August 28, 2015
US presidential candidate says he is not seeking to own San Lorenzo football team
August 27, 2015
Cafod and Sciaf have teamed up to produce a guide to Pope Francis' encyclical, backed by Cardinal Vincent Nichols and Archbishop Philip Tartaglia
August 27, 2015
Lidia Guerrero is hopeful Pope Francis will put across her son's case when he visits the United States next month
August 27, 2015
Rather than be 'armchair Christians', we have to go to the people - similar to Corbyn's leadership drive
August 27, 2015
Medjugorje reportedly sees a decline in pilgrims after the Pope says a ruling on the apparitions is imminent
August 26, 2015
The World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation is on September 1
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