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Pope Francis
January 18, 2016
During his Angelus address, Pope Francis told the gathered migrants 'not to give up hope'
January 18, 2016
The Pontiff discussed violence in the Middle East during a speech at Rome's main synagogue
January 16, 2016
Vatican says surprise visit highlights 'the great importance and preciousness of the elderly'
January 15, 2016
Philanthropist is one of the richest men on the planet
January 14, 2016
Don't spread hate, make friends instead, the Pope says in a Year of Mercy message
January 14, 2016
In his interview with Andrea Tornielli Pope Francis recalled his first encounter with God's mercy
January 14, 2016
The whole issue has acquired its own sense of urgency even though, on cool reflection, there is not a lot to base this on
January 13, 2016
Pope Francis was speaking during morning Mass on Tuesday
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