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Pope Francis
February 10, 2016
More than 700 of the 1,142 missionaries attend Ash Wednesday Mass in St Peter's Basilica
February 10, 2016
Francis sends out missionaries of mercy after the blessing and bestowal of ashes in St Peter's Basilica
February 10, 2016
Russia is isolated and fighting two wars, and its leaders recognise that, diplomacy-wise, the Pope has many divisions
February 10, 2016
Luis Nobre claimed a connection to the Vatican that helped him and his associates steal £73 million
February 10, 2016
Francis addressed his newly-appointed Year of Mercy missionaries ahead of sending them out around the world
February 10, 2016
The Pontiff said in an interview he had been called by the German Chancellor, after she was angered by his comments on Europe
February 10, 2016
PETA's Go Vegan and Feel Great for Lent pledge aims to 'embrace Christian values'
February 09, 2016
Francis described Europe as 'a barren woman' during a speech at the European parliament in 2014
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