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Pope Francis
February 12, 2016
'Catholics and Orthodox are called to work together fraternally in proclaiming the Good News of salvation'
February 12, 2016
Patriarch Kirill is overheard telling the Pope: 'Things are easier now'
February 12, 2016
First meeting of a pope and Russian patriarch takes place in Havana
February 12, 2016
Pope Francis arrives in the country today and will visit a once-notorious prison on Wednesday
February 11, 2016
The meeting between the Pope and Patriarch Kirill is unprecedented, but the Russian Orthodox leader will come armed with his own political agenda
February 11, 2016
The Pope and Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi talked about the importance of reconciliation
February 11, 2016
The Pope says that if the jubilee year 'doesn't reach our pockets, it's not a real jubilee'
February 11, 2016
The actor attended the Pope's general audience with his wife and two daughters
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