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Pope Francis
April 08, 2016
The Pope's exhortation makes a crucial reference to John Paul II's encyclical Familiaris Consortio
April 08, 2016
A footnote narrowly addresses the question of Communion for the divorced and remarried
April 07, 2016
The Pope tells Methodist leaders that there is a 'growing closeness' between the two churches
April 07, 2016
Cardinal Brandmüller says admitting remarried Catholics to Holy Communion would 'undermine' the Church
April 06, 2016
Francis met Lizzy Myers, who suffers from a genetic eye disorder, and her family in St Peter's Square today
April 06, 2016
Convent in Italy to provide accommodation and care to those fleeing war
April 06, 2016
There are demands for the Pope to apologise for the Church's role in running Indian residential schools
April 04, 2016
The Pope gave a homily at Mass celebrating the transferred feast of the Annunciation
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