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Pope Francis
April 15, 2016
Fr Lombardi said that the Pope's visit to refugees in Lesbos was a 'humanitarian and ecumenical' gesture
April 14, 2016
The bishops said that refugees' right to human dignity and to protection needed to be upheld
April 14, 2016
The Pontiff has chosen to promote debate and diversity, rather than build unity around clearly expressed doctrine. The consequences will be enormous
April 13, 2016
During his general audience, the Pope reminded the faithful that the Church is full of sinners
April 13, 2016
Pope Francis will visit refugees on the island of Lesbos on Saturday
April 12, 2016
Pope Benedict XVI used the same term in the same context of the pastoral care of the divorced and remarried
April 12, 2016
Mgr Christophe Pierre replaces Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, who submitted his resignation after reaching retirement age
April 12, 2016
Given the length of Amoris Laetitia, most Catholics are relying on second hand readings of the text
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