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Pope Benedict XVI
January 24, 2012
Benedict XVI, in an apparent reference to Twitter, says profound thoughts can be communicated even in concise phrases
January 23, 2012
Benedict XVI explains that the celebrations "are not strictly liturgical, but are part of an itinerary of growth in the faith"
January 20, 2012
Addressing more than 7,000 people of the Neocatechumenal Way, Pope Benedict XVI has approved the celebrations marking the itinerary of Christian initiation
January 20, 2012
Pope tells bishops that Church in America should render "public moral witness" on crucial social issues
January 20, 2012
Benedict XVI tells US bishops it is 'imperative' that Catholics realised the grave threats presented by radical secularism
January 18, 2012
At his weekly general audience the Pope reflects on the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, which begins today
January 11, 2012
Benedict XVI says the Eucharist transforms our lives 'despite our weakness and infidelity'
January 11, 2012
There was an unusual visitor today during the Pope's general audience: a three-year-old Cuban crocodile, about 40cm long
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