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Pope Benedict XVI
March 19, 2012
Benedict XVI offers plenary indulgence for all who attend the re-opening of a church on the Wirral
March 14, 2012
Pope blesses and rings a small brass bell that has been on tour across Ireland for nearly a year
March 14, 2012
Benedict XVI says that the Blessed Virgin Mary is an 'outstanding model in faith and charity'
March 09, 2012
Benedict XVI says the Church has in the past failed to communicate its teaching on marriage
February 23, 2012
Meanwhile, one of the leakers has made an anonymous appearance on Italian television
February 22, 2012
Benedict XVI explains significance of Lent and Ash Wednesday at weekly general audience
February 20, 2012
The Pope tells cardinals that love and service, not an air of greatness, are to mark their lives
February 15, 2012
Benedict XVI also urges support for large families at weekly general audience
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