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March 04, 2021
Asked in February why he was making a tour of Iraq at a time of growing political tension and worries about the spread of Covid, Pope Francis replied: “I am the pastor of people who are suffering.”
March 04, 2021
Leprosy is on the verge of extinction, but because of the pandemic sufferers of the disease face more discrimination than ever, says Ferdie Rous
February 23, 2021
Argentinian Bishop Oscar Vicente Ojea spoke out against the “politicisation" of the Covid-19 vaccine after Argentina’s health minister resigned amid accusations that he gave vaccines out as political favours.
February 19, 2021
The Los Angeles gathering is this year taking place from February 18-21, and is being held online under the banner: “Proclaim the Promise!”
February 17, 2021
During the pandemic the air can feel as small and dry as the Eliot finds it at the outset of Ash Wednesday, and the will easily contracts, succumbing to a sort of lassitude that is neither care nor stillness.
February 17, 2021
"It is wholly unacceptable and immoral to suggest that the challenges which some people with learning disabilities face with communicating symptoms should make them candidates for a DNACPR order," Bishop Moth said. ""There should be no discrimination of this kind in our health service."
February 11, 2021
Unlike public schools in the rest of Massachusetts, Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Boston - the largest district by geographic area and the second-largest school district by population in the state - opened in the fall for in-person learning.
February 09, 2021
A Filipino priest has made it his mission to cater for the spiritual and medical wellbeing of his flock.
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