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Catholic journalism
January 23, 2024
ROME – In a rare session with members of the Vatican press corps, Pope Francis thanked journalists for their work, urging them to base their reporting on “the solid rock of responsibility in truth” rather than “the fragile sand of gossip and ideological readings”. In the first-of-its-kind meeting during Francis’s 11-year papacy on 22 January,
January 30, 2023
Three days were set aside for the 26th meeting of Catholic journalists – the Catholic Media Federation’s International Day of Saint Francis de Sales, named after the patron of journalists whose feast it is on January 24. The event was organised to run from Wednesday 25 through to Friday 27 January.  Gad Elmaleh, the famous Jewish
May 20, 2021
La Civiltà Cattolica will publish its new Spanish edition from its headquarters at the Villa Malta in Rome, in an exclusively digital format.
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