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May 16, 2023
May 16, 2023
Catholicism: A Global History from the French Revolution to Pope Francis John T McGreevy  WW Norton & Co, £22.99, 528 pages The global history of Catholicism in the 234 years since the cataclysm of the French Revolution is a big subject and this is a big book, taking in the Catholic Church’s development and influence
May 16, 2023
A South American bishop has called for “optional celibacy” for priests in the wake of revelations that a gay Jesuit missionary sexually abused about 85 boys. Bishop Eugenio Cóter suggested the rule of priestly celibacy contributed to the abuse of scores of adolescents by Fr Alfonso Pedrajas, a Spanish priest who died in 2009, and
May 16, 2023
Brian Mooney Early spring, as Chaucer tells us, is the start of the pilgrimage season. Thanks to an account left by Archbishop of Canterbury Sigeric the Serious of his journey back from Rome in 990 after collecting his pallium from Pope John XV, the revived modern pilgrim route to Rome today officially starts in Canterbury.
May 16, 2023
Where would you go? My wholly unrealistic dream would be to walk in Galilee. I would love to walk the Via Francigena, starting in Canterbury, as two of my friends did when he retired from the Navy – she had offered him a nice relaxing cruise but understandably he was not interested.  But I fear
May 16, 2023
The executive director of Sciaf, the overseas aid agency of the Scottish bishops, has been elected as head of Caritas Internationalis six months after the Pope sacked the leadership team amid allegations of bullying and harassment. Alistair Dutton, a former Jesuit novice who has worked for Sciaf since 1996, was chosen to serve as Secretary
May 16, 2023
Leading Israeli rabbis and Catholic Church leaders have signed a joint declaration on the ethics of treating the terminally ill, and rejecting assisted suicide and euthanasia, while also advocating for improved palliative care. “For both Jews and Christians, taking care of the terminally ill with belief, respect and love means truly to light the lamp
May 16, 2023
France has traditionally been regarded as “la fille aînée de l’Église”, the oldest daughter of the Church, reflecting the fact that there have been Christians there, in communion with Rome, since the second century. Irenaeus of Lyon, who died in 202AD, was one of the first great defenders of orthodox faith, having been taught by
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