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April 14, 2023
April 14, 2023
Michael White praises a production of Fauré’s Requiem accompanied by sky burial, and a powerful opera about a nun visiting Death Row. Gabriel Fauré may have been a composer of uncertain faith but he produced possibly the best-loved, most often performed Requiem of all time. And its attract-ions are clear enough,  presenting an image of
April 14, 2023
Nick Ripatrazone considers the deep, spiritually introspective words of an award-winning poet who worked with grieving children. In Arlington, Massachusetts, the Centre for Grieving Children and Teenagers had an operating principle: “Being with others who have experienced a death reduces isolation and can provide hope.” In 2004, the centre’s programme director noted that one particular
April 14, 2023
Catholic churchgoers in America were spied upon by undercover government agents, leaked documentation has revealed. At least one undercover operative of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was commissioned to secretly gather evidence which might link Catholics to “the far right nationalist movement”, a US government committee has heard. The FBI focused in particular on
April 14, 2023
There was significant rise in the number of baptisms at this year’s Easter vigil in France, according to figures published before the Easter Triduum by the French National Service for Catechesis and Catechumenate. This year at the Easter vigil, 5,463 adults received the sacrament of baptism across France, a 21 per cent rise on the
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