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September 07, 2022
September 07, 2022
The Vatican risks backing itself into a corner, says Hugh Somerville Knapman
September 07, 2022
In 2007 Pope Benedict XVI said, “every home is called to become a ‘domestic church’ in which family life is completely centred on the lordship of Christ and the love of husband and wife mirrors the mystery of Christ’s love for the Church, his bride”. The family, based on the sacrament of marriage, has always
September 07, 2022
Maltese Cardinal Mario Grech, Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, has said he views the open letters on the Synodal Path as a “public denunciation” in an interview with Herder Thema. The Synodal Path has come in for considerable criticism, amid warnings from the Vatican and fears about a schism, but the prelate said
September 07, 2022
In the end, the result was no shock, as Tory veteran Liz Truss defeated Rishi Sunak to become the UK’s next Prime Minister. It may seem odd to a global audience that the leader of a country of 67 million people could be selected by just over 140,000 members of a political party which just
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