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Long division
We are living in an age of medical apartheid.
The Assisted Dying Bill poses a murderous threat to society
Once we have admitted into law the principle that patients can be intentionally killed, it is very difficult to control the wider application of that principle.
Sensitive saint fitted up as Feminist fashion icon
A programme on St Catherine of Siena exposes the BBC's fundamentalist attitude to spiritual wealth.
Is the Pope ambiguous on Biden’s abortion stance?
The Pope has enabled priests to absolve in confession those who participate in abortions.
On weaponising the Holy Cross
Whatever political side you’re on, you will have seen your Christian opponents try to out-Christian you. . 
The Texas Heartbeat Bill and Abortion Politics in the U.S.
It is too soon for abortion opponents to celebrate a complete victory
On Biblical Translations in the Lectionary
Mass-goers will struggle with the new lectionary, and it will be for preachers to help them in this struggle.
Why Catholics need rituals
Faith is embedded in the physical world, manifested in the gestures we make and our liturgies.
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