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Simon Caldwell

November 01, 2016
300 doctors have signed a letter objecting to the new test amid fears its introduction is 'on economic grounds'
October 26, 2016
A Christian nursing home in Switzerland must allow assisted suicide or lose its charitable status
October 07, 2016
Europe's justice and peace commissions say the EU is in 'bad shape' and needs reform
October 03, 2016
Mother Marie Adele Garnier, the foundress of the Tyburn Nuns, wrote of the Eucharistic miracle in a letter to a friend
August 30, 2016
The Vatican has taken a key step along the road to declaring an English aristocrat related to Princes William and Harry to be a saint
July 21, 2016
Inquiry finds that doctors who conscientiously object to abortion are denied career choices
July 14, 2016
How would the Church implement the change to ad orientem Masses practically? Would it necessitate the rearranging of the altars in many churches? That will depend upon the particular arrangement of individual churches. In some cases I can imagine people sighing: “So now we must change it all around again …” That is understandable, certainly,
July 13, 2016
The bishops suggested the $272 billion cost of replacing the aging arsenal of nuclear weapons could not be morally justified
July 04, 2016
St Augustine rest home was fined €6,000 after it stopped doctors from giving a lethal injection to a 74-year-old woman
June 28, 2016
The Archbishop of Westminster has said 'every leader needs to reflect on our failure to listen' to people following Brexit vote
June 03, 2016
Bishop William Kenney of Birmingham said groups such as CAFOD would lose grants
May 25, 2016
Cardinal Bo said the Catholic Church was 'at the forefront' of supporting the people of Burma
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