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Pastor Iuventus

April 21, 2016
The day I stepped out of the 21st century On a rocky outcrop within sight of the topaz blue of the Adriatic stands the Basilica of the Holy House of Loreto. I came with a certain mental reservation because the 21st-century man in me was slightly uncomfortable about the idea of it being transported here
April 14, 2016
I hope I’m wrong about Amoris Laetitia I haven’t read Amoris Laetitia, so this doesn’t pretend to be an in-depth analysis. It has that in common with the BBC’s correspondent who announced at the 6pm news on Saturday that Pope Francis had now told Catholics that conscience, rather than rules, should govern their sexual morality.
April 07, 2016
Never mind what the world calls ‘normal’ Earlier in the week I was able to acknowledge in myself the fact that there is always a rather childlike disappointment in me at the end of the Easter Octave when the Gospels for the day cease to relate the details of the resurrection appearances and return to
March 31, 2016
A perfect divine screenplay for Easter If you get one of those emails from me saying I am currently marooned overseas and need help, please don’t ignore it. It’s true. At time of writing, I am stuck on the Isle of Wight. Storm Katie means that there are no ferries operating. And I would be
March 24, 2016
What makes human life beautiful I lie in bed in the small hours reading St Augustine’s Tractates on the Gospel of John. This isn’t some extreme Lenten discipline. I can’t sleep because I have just returned from retreat-giving in Phoenix, Arizona, seven hours behind our time. I am, of course, seeking grist to the mill
March 17, 2016
Don’t cover up sin with pop psychology The experience of walking into a church in which the statues and crucifixes are veiled never fails to make a deep impression on me. The stark drama of the purple forms recalls a childhood memory of waiting to make my first Confession in front of a large, veiled
March 10, 2016
How to give and receive love Human beings are made to discover the meaning of their lives in a sincere and generous giving and receiving of love. We are to love one another since love comes from God, and everyone who is begotten of God loves God and those whom God has created, as St
March 03, 2016
This Lent, be self-aware not self-absorbed Round about now in the middle of Lent, when Lenten disciplines are becoming alternately more conscious, intense struggles against resistance, or naturally habitual, and sources of frustration, pride or peace, I am almost certainly in a position to begin to understand Lent better. But the progress I feel I
February 25, 2016
Why faith is like being in love I love the readings we had last Sunday, the Gospel of the Transfiguration and that strange, rather frightening accountfrom Genesis 15 in which Abram is asked to bisect a number of animal carcasses and lay them down either side of a line. He falls asleep, and while he sleeps
February 18, 2016
How to cross Lent’s pain barrier An early Lent coinciding with a mild winter means that already the signs of spring are evident. Blossom and bulbs are flowering in February. They might yet be covered by snow, but it undoubtedly lifts the heart to see them.Gardeners know that, paradoxically, this growth means it is time
February 11, 2016
From slavery to sonship I was reading the account of the martyrdom of St Agatha last week by St Methodius of Sicily (sorry if that sounds grandiose, but actually it’s in the Divine Office for the feast), and I was struck by something Methodius says of the virgin martyr: “For her, Christ’s death was recent,
February 04, 2016
I don’t belong in a Catholic Utopia It is 500 years since the publication of Thomas More’s Utopia. I remember reading it at university and finding it rather a difficult book, not least, I think because I was trying to decode it rather than read it. I had assumed that it was like an allegorical jigsaw whereby
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