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Katherine Bennett

August 29, 2023
Just before Covid, the little old lady who lived next door to us sold her 3-bedroom house to a Bulgarian couple who had plans to turn it into a house in multiple occupation. In order to maximise revenue they were going to extend it, but then lockdowns hit and they couldn’t get the personnel. They
August 22, 2023
It’s a bit late to be worrying about the polar ice caps melting when the ground under our feet was lost years ago.  A nation that moves away from God cannot hold together. We have already fallen apart.  We can stack up the hours, days and years of our lives that we spend talking about the
August 02, 2023
The Blair government of 1997-2010 made education, education and education the top three priorities for a country leaping into the new millennium. To become a teacher in the late 1990s had a certain rock star status to it. The fact that our rock stars at the time were Damon Albarn, Brett Anderson and Jarvis Cocker
July 27, 2023
In October 1996 I found myself in a seminar group with Sinéad O’Connor. My name then was O’Neill and the alphabet had lumped us together long before any other identity group had a chance to.   I was looking forward to hearing what she had to contribute and not at all dreaming about shaving my head,
July 25, 2023
Whatever happened to discrimination? When I was growing up, which really wasn’t all that long ago, we were pretty good at it. People were either fat or thin, tall or short, male or female, pregnant or not pregnant, dead or alive, and Catholic or non-Catholic.  The truth is, it’s still that way.  We do not live
July 01, 2023
How stories help us make sense of the world. On Easter Sunday, 1999, Pope John Paul II published his letter to artists, writing: “‘From chaos there rises the world of the spirit.’ These words of Adam Mickiewicz, written at a time of great hardship for his Polish homeland, prompt my hope for you: may your
June 26, 2023
I’ve just returned from my sons’ sports day. It was hot, there wasn’t much shade, and he didn’t win. Good job it’s all about the taking part. I took refuge in the biscuit tent and there I met a mum a few years older than me which would have put her at around 50.  She
June 20, 2023
In June 2020 I taught groups of masked children who sat under a large poster of Nelson Mandela standing triumphant, fist in the air saying, “Let freedom reign”.  The irony was not lost on me. Outside of the classroom I watched as children were screamed at when a ball they were kicking in the playground
June 14, 2023
Anyone still doubting whether slopes are in fact slippery either hasn’t been for a walk around Colley Hill in February or has failed to notice the response this week to a 44-year-old woman jailed for taking abortion pills to kill her unborn baby at 32-34 weeks pregnant.  The proverbial camel’s nose went under the tent in
June 09, 2023
Since Elon Musk decided to promote Matt Walsh’s “What is a Woman?” documentary on Twitter this week it has been all anyone is talking about. Wherever I go I can’t escape it.  I even chatted to my dogs about it during a long walk over the North Downs.  They made a lot of sense.  My
June 02, 2023
A life dedicated to God should be cherished. That oft-heard phrase “love is love” is a funny thing to say. It doesn’t really mean anything. A guitar is a guitar. A book is a book. A pen is a pen. We don’t learn anything more about any of these things simply by naming them twice. 
May 26, 2023
In a rare moment of downtime this week, I decided to watch Only Fools and Horses.  I don’t bother with TV normally, but when I do, it’s back to the old stuff. During one episode, Del Boy finds out that Raquel is pregnant.  He rushes with joy to summon his brother and uncle, then shaking
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