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Katherine Bennett

December 20, 2023
The phone in each of our pockets has become the magic mirror on the wall that we consult every hour of every day to ask: “Who is the fairest of them all?” Some of the most insecure young women I know are those who have grown up trapped in a cycle of flattery reinforcement through
December 02, 2023
A FEW WEEKS AGO, during a discussion on the various problems facing British schools, I was presented with a defence of the material routinely given to our children: LGBTQ+ and Black Lives Matter resources, feminist propaganda, and so on. “This stuff”, I was told, “is happening in the real world and we can’t hide our children
November 30, 2023
An apocalyptic band sees the world through the incarnation of Christ. It was around this time of year three years ago that I encountered the music of the US-based band, Dirt Poor Robins. We had all just been plunged into lockdown again and too many people I knew unquestioningly acquiesced to what seemed to be
November 21, 2023
“Last year on the feast of Pentecost in a diocese in Africa, Islamists burst into Sunday Mass and slaughtered more than 40 men women and children. After this atrocity, the president of Ireland, Michael Higgins, wrote a letter of condolence in which he blamed ‘global warming’,” said Fr Benedict Kiely in a must-watch interview with
November 20, 2023
Tammy Peterson is becoming a Catholic.  She will be received into the Church at Easter.  Any school rebranding their house system and looking for a contemporary role model to inspire their girls would do well to dump Thunberg into the recycling box of history and open instead “Peterson House”.  Why? Because in Tammy we have
November 03, 2023
We can learn much from a true appreciation of the feminine. There can’t be many people who can claim to have shared a vol-au-vent with a saint, but if Brother Michael Strode is canonised (as those ad- vocating for his cause hope he will be) I may be the first. Br Michael was a doctor,
October 31, 2023
I had been hearing whispers about the hotly anticipated ARC conference for some time before, to my great surprise, my own golden ticket arrived.  The excitement upon opening it up is where the similarity with Charlie Bucket ended because ARC is offering something diametrically opposed to the instant gratification and self-indulgence of the chocolate factory. 
October 28, 2023
By the end of this month the clocks in the UK will have fallen back, and the days will be shorter. Children will walk home from school in the dark, crunching dead leaves underfoot and trees will stand stripped back to trunk and branches. Darkness and death become more apparent in nature and when the
September 25, 2023
“There is a separate entrance for those who are uncomfortable squeezing through the nude performers,” says BBC entertainment reporter Steven McIntosh about the Royal Academy exhibition of Serbian artist Marina Abramovic. There can’t be too many people left who might feel uncomfortable squeezing themselves between a couple of naked people, and there will certainly be
September 19, 2023
It’s presumptuous of me to begin by quibbling with Shakespeare, but he’s dead and I’m feeling a bit kicky this morning. “What’s in a name?” his Juliet asks, “A Rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”  To this I say, “Juliet. Woman to woman, don’t kid yourself, a Rose by any other name is not
August 30, 2023
At St Mary’s Academy in Warrington, pupils learn at school and at home. Shortly before Easter 2020, we, like everybody else, found ourselves locked down with enough loo roll to see us through the apocalypse. The kids were not at school or university, and we were not at work. We were blessed to be in
August 30, 2023
Just before Covid, the little old lady who lived next door to us sold her 3-bedroom house to a Bulgarian couple who had plans to turn it into a house in multiple occupation. In order to maximise revenue they were going to extend it, but then lockdowns hit and they couldn’t get the personnel. They
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