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Joseph Shaw

December 22, 2016
The mystery of Christmas is a central mystery of the faith, and it is one for which children have a special affinity. The secular Christmas season focuses on children, but it has always been a children’s feast, with boy bishops on St Nicholas’s Day, presents and the child in the crib. This opportunity to communicate
April 21, 2016
In 2009, the Bishops of England and Wales petitioned the Vatican’s guardians of all things to do with the Traditional Latin Mass – the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei – that those celebrating Mass in this form should be forbidden to celebrate Epiphany, Ascension and Corpus Christi on their traditional dates. The bishops had just done
July 09, 2015
Francis is confounding those who presented him as an enemy of traditionalism. The movement is actually flourishing thanks to his ‘live and let live’ attitude
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