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James Somerville-Meikle

May 05, 2023
The King can offer leadership in a world that seems hostile to faith, says James Somerville-Meikle In his Journal of a Soul, Pope John XXIII noted on April 29, 1903 that “just now Rome is officially celebrating the arrival of Edward VII, King of England”. The young Angelo Roncalli was at seminary in Rome at
March 09, 2023
Robert Burns once wrote of the gift of seeing “oursels as ithers see us”. Perspective is indeed a wonderful thing and it was something that British Catholics benefitted from recently with the visit of Bishop Robert Barron from the US to the UK. The visit had been a long time in the planning. Twice delayed
December 12, 2022
Today’s financial challenges should be a catalyst for change in the Catholic Church, writes James Somerville-Meikle The Catholic Church should embrace the opportunity to do things differently.For some it was the sight of sports fans back in stadiums. For others it was the sound of live music or going on a foreign holiday. For me,
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