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Fr John Zuhlsdorf

September 29, 2016
Speaking of fallen angels, as I did last week, priests and bishops who don’t teach about the Devil and hell will probably end up there with them. The Enemy’s great coup is to assure dupes that he doesn’t exist, there is no hell, and that, “Even if hell exists, surely no one is there!”, blah
September 22, 2016
In the Holy Church’s traditional calendar, this week on September 29 we celebrate the Feast of St Michael the Archangel. In the newer calendar, all three archangels, Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, are celebrated on that same day. On October 2 we revel in the feast of our Holy Guardian Angels. Speaking of archangels, the aforementioned
September 15, 2016
The feast of the bishop-martyr St Januarius (d c305), known in Italian as San Gennaro, is celebrated this week. He is the patron saint of Naples, where the faithful venerate vials of his dried blood which regularly liquefies on three days a year: September 19 (the saint’s feast), December 16 (anniversary of the 1631 eruption
September 08, 2016
September brings lovely Marian feasts, including – in the traditional Roman calendar – Our Lady of the Good Shepherd (on the 3rd), Nativity of Mary (8th), Name of Mary (12th), Seven Sorrows of Mary or Our Lady of Sorrows (15th) and Our Lady of Ransom (24th). The feast of Our Lady of Sorrows was instituted
September 01, 2016
In the Roman Church’s traditional calendar, on September 3 (Novus Ordo, August 21), we celebrate the feast of St Pope Pius X, who reigned from 1903 until August 1914, the very eve of World War I. He was a great teacher and warrior for the truth. Would that his efforts to stamp out modernism had
August 25, 2016
We celebrate liturgically the births of Our Lord (December 25), His Blessed Mother (September 8) and the prophet who was more than a prophet, the greatest man ever born of a woman (Matthew 11:9-11; Luke 7:28), St John the Baptist (June 24; d AD 28-29). On August 29 we celebrate the Beheading of St John,
August 18, 2016
On August 22 we observe, in the traditional Roman calendar, the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. In the newer calendar it will be the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary. When the angel Gabriel came to Mary he told her that her Son would have the throne of David and that His kingdom
August 11, 2016
The feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin is celebrated this coming week. From the earliest years, Holy Church believed that at the end of her earthly life the Mother of God was assumed bodily into heaven by God’s power and, hence, we acknowledge her as Heaven’s Queen. According to tradition, all the Apostles
August 04, 2016
Did you know that the annual Perseid meteor shower is nicknamed “the Tears of St Lawrence”? The shower occurs every year around the feast of the great deacon and martyr, August 10, when our planet zooms anew through debris in the wake of the comet Swift-Tuttle. The shower is called the “Perseids” because the meteors
July 28, 2016
When a weightier feast doesn’t command our attention in the Church’s liturgical calendar, the priest can opt to celebrate a votive Mass. For example, while the Ordinary Form calendar has scheduled for Saturday, July 30 either use of Mass texts from last Sunday (17th of Ordinary Time) or a simple commemoration of St Peter Chrysologus,
July 21, 2016
Controversy erupted after an address given at a recent conference on sacred liturgy held in London. Cardinal Robert Sarah, prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship, made an appeal to all priests everywhere to begin, with prudence and according to their circumstances, to celebrate Holy Mass ad orientem. That is, he made an unofficial but
July 14, 2016
The Holy See recently announced that, in the Ordinary Form calendar of the Roman Rite, St Mary Magdalene’s annual liturgical observance on July 22 would be elevated to a feast. Her new feast was even given a new, proper Preface. There is no way to arrive definitively at the identity of this fascinating figure. Nevertheless,
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