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Dan Hitchens

July 27, 2017
The English language can rarely capture the richness of German compound nouns. Take Cardinal Gerhard Müller’s complaint last week about “scheinheiliges Papstdevotion”. Roughly translated, it means “sanctimonious and excessive devotion to the Pope”. It is, says Cardinal Müller, one of the Vatican’s besetting problems. “Every Catholic, especially every bishop and every cardinal, has a positive
July 20, 2017
Chiara Corbella The Italian wife and mother died in 2012 aged 28. She had three children with her husband Enrico Petrillo; two died shortly after birth, and while Corbella was pregnant with the third, Francesco, she contracted cancer. She refused medical treatment in case it endangered her unborn son. Many witnesses spoke of Chiara’s piety,
June 29, 2017
Toronto seems to be the epicentre of the culture wars. On Sunday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau marched, with his wife and his two eldest children (aged 8 and 9), in Toronto’s Pride Parade. He wore a maple leaf Pride tattoo on his cheek and rainbow socks. The city is also home to Jordan Peterson, a
June 22, 2017
In 1673 James, Duke of York, was forced to resign as Lord High Admiral. Since James was in line to the throne, and would indeed become King James II, this was a fairly dramatic move. But James was a Catholic, and to hold any civil or military office he would have to take the newly
June 17, 2017
The Anglican philosopher, recently appointed to the Pontifical Academy for Life, has supported abortion up to 18 weeks
June 15, 2017
As the Catholic Herald went to press, it was unclear whether Theresa May would formalise a deal with the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP). Such a pact, given the DUP’s 10 Westminster MPs, would allow May to claim a working parliamentary majority. Downing Street first issued a statement saying that they had an agreement, then issued
June 09, 2017
Four onetime members of parliament's pro-life group lost their seats - and other Christian MPs were defeated
June 08, 2017
At any time between the 1960s and about a decade ago, it would have seemed an unlikely occasion: an English bishop conferring the sacrament of Holy Orders on two deacons, according to the Extraordinary Form. Nevertheless, on Saturday June 17, Archbishop Malcolm McMahon of Liverpool will be doing just that, at St Mary’s Church in
May 25, 2017
The Church was a leading force in the abolition of capital punishment, but some Catholics are endorsing it again
May 25, 2017
In his memoir The Church and I, the Catholic apologist Frank Sheed recalled his part in an unusual conversion story. A murderer on death row had asked to become a Catholic. Since time was short, the chaplain gave him a copy of Sheed’s A Map of Life, a brisk explanation of God, the Church, sin,
May 18, 2017
Homophobic bullying plainly exists and is contrary to the teaching of the Church – so what could be wrong with a document on combatting it? As the Catholic Education Service (CES) discovered last week, things aren’t quite as simple as that. Challenging homophobic and biphobic bullying in our Catholic schools, a 40-page document for dioceses,
May 11, 2017
The cardinal said Catholics still stand for the traditional definition of marriage
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