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Charles Collins

March 03, 2021
To change domestic policy, or even the course of a war, it is more important to amuse the monarch than inform him, and an insinuation will work better than an argument.
February 18, 2021
In an annual address to the Roman Rota, Pope Francis said the Church-appointed judges that hear marriage nullity cases “cannot disregard the memories, made up of light and shadows, that have marked the life, not only of the two spouses but also of the children.” It was a strange complaint to bring to this tribunal, since the Rota deals in nothing but cold, legal decisions.
February 03, 2021
US President Joe Biden may be Catholic, but he is pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, and pro-transgender rights, putting him at odds with the U.S. bishops, who have set up a task force for dealing with the new president -- and questions have been raised about how a meeting between Pope Francis and Biden might play out – and whether the pontiff will take a hard line with the president on life issues.
January 02, 2021
It seems it would take Solomon to figure out how to cut State down to size, but perhaps the wisest of ancient Israel’s kings has already provided a solution: Cut the baby in half.
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