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October 14, 2015
Pope Francis has recently spoken out about the Catholic Church's teaching against capital punishment.
October 14, 2015
Francis made the surprise comments at today's general audience in St Peter's Square
October 13, 2015
The Church is governed by a universal series of laws - where this basic principal has been ignored, chaos and injustice have reigned
October 13, 2015
US bishop spoke about the need to affirm Church teaching while accompanying all Catholics on the path to holiness
October 12, 2015
Pope Francis reportedly responded to the letter by underlining support for procedures
October 07, 2015
Francis tells the faithful that families bring needed values and a humanising spirit to society
October 06, 2015
Archbishop Paul-Andre Durocher of Gatineau said, where possible, women should be given higher positions in the Church
October 06, 2015
By the time young Catholics reach university so many are ill-equipped to relate their faith to their lives
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