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April 27, 2016
The Pope said pastors do not have a monopoly on finding solutions to contemporary problems
April 27, 2016
'The commitment to adequate economic auditing remains a priority for the Holy See,' a Vatican spokesman said
April 26, 2016
Cardinal Peter Turkson has called for a 'broad and deeply felt' debate on just war theory
April 26, 2016
A daily guide to what's happening in the Catholic Church
April 25, 2016
Archbishop Christophe Pierre met Pope Francis at the Vatican last week
April 20, 2016
Francis reflected on one aspect of mercy as exemplified by Jesus
April 19, 2016
Francis reflected on his visit to CAR during his meeting with President Touadéra
April 19, 2016
Francis brought three Syrian couples and their children back with him from the Greek island of Lesbos
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