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August 10, 2016
The Pontiff told the faithful that Christians must demonstrate to the world how to display acts of mercy towards others
August 10, 2016
Representatives of the Missionaries of Charity say they have plans for regular special Masses and prayer meetings to mark the canonisation that will take place on September 4
August 08, 2016
The Vatican Philatelic and Numismatic Office announced the stamp's release on Friday
August 03, 2016
Pope Francis tells general audience that the Olympics brings down barriers between people from different backgrounds
August 02, 2016
The French government must recognise its culture as traditionally Judeo-Christian - in short, a cultural renaissance needs to be facilitated by the state
July 27, 2016
The Catholic Church has been commended by a US official over its response to caring for the needs of fishermen kept as slaves
July 27, 2016
Archbishop Fisher called for solidarity with other religions, and said the attackers targeted the Christian faith
July 27, 2016
A nun who escaped the church in in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray said the terrorists filmed themselves before killing Fr Jacques Hamel
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