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December 10, 2014
Church officials and campaigners respond to Senate Intelligence Committee report
November 21, 2014
Kenya's bishops are holding firm in urging people to avoid receiving a vaccine being administered under a nationwide campaign
November 17, 2014
Speech delivered this morning at the conference on the 'Complementarity of Man and Woman'
October 24, 2014
Sanctions went into effect following repeated, but 'unfortunately unfruitful ultimatums'
October 24, 2014
Any talk of a split between North and South is an attack on the Catholic nature of the Church
October 23, 2014
From 2009, our interview with the US seminarian with inoperable brain cancer
October 14, 2014
Archbishop Robert J Carlson calls on protesters to turn away from violence
October 14, 2014
There is good reason to discuss what can be done pastorally within the context of doctrinal truth
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