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August 02, 2016
The Pope made clear his current thinking, that there is no such phenomenon as Islamist violence, any more than domestic violence in Italy constitutes 'Catholic violence'
August 02, 2016
The French government must recognise its culture as traditionally Judeo-Christian - in short, a cultural renaissance needs to be facilitated by the state
July 31, 2016
The Pope spoke to reporters on the flight back to Rome from Kraków
July 31, 2016
Muslims attended Mass in churches and cathedrals across France and Italy on Sunday in response to the murder of Fr Jacques Hamel
July 30, 2016
Muslims and Catholics joined in Friday prayers at a mosque in the Normandy town where Fr Jacques Hamel was killed
July 29, 2016
Does the Holy Father believe that ISIS is really a front for something else?
July 27, 2016
Archbishop Fisher called for solidarity with other religions, and said the attackers targeted the Christian faith
July 27, 2016
And it can be found inside the Basilica of Sacré-Coeur in Paris
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