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October 09, 2015
Cardinal addresses media at the end of the first week of the synod
October 07, 2015
Cardinal Donald Wuerl of Washington told Vatican Radio that discussions have got off to a good start
October 06, 2015
Archbishop Paul-Andre Durocher of Gatineau said, where possible, women should be given higher positions in the Church
October 06, 2015
In a surprise speech to the synod, Francis said the 'Catholic doctrine on marriage has not been touched or put into question'
October 06, 2015
Cardinal André Vingt-Trois says observers expecting shift in Church teaching 'are going to be disappointed'
October 06, 2015
The Global Network of Rainbow Catholics held a four-day assembly in Rome over the weekend
October 05, 2015
Vatican Radio translation of Pope Francis's speech to the General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops earlier today
October 05, 2015
Pope Francis has spoken at the opening of the Synod of Bishops on the Family
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