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Pope Francis
October 15, 2017
No Pope can overturn the Church's teaching that the death penalty is legitimate. So Francis's comments were puzzling
October 12, 2017
The Church's position on the death penalty is one example of how Church teaching is not static, the Pope said
October 11, 2017
The Pope has the second highest number of followers for any world leader, behind Donald Trump
October 11, 2017
Pope Francis said the wide variety of Catholic rites in India is not a threat to unity
October 06, 2017
The Pope criticised the 'dark net' where 'evil finds ever new, effective and pervasive ways to act and to expand'
October 06, 2017
The Pope added that sexual differences are not a personal choice
October 05, 2017
Some say the Pope has reaffirmed traditional teaching, while others believe the correction will be ineffectual
October 05, 2017
Christians are not 'prophets of doom' but rather missionaries of hope, the Pope said
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