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Pope Francis
April 27, 2018
The Pope explained what Heaven is like
April 23, 2018
The Pope asked the papal almoner to distribute ice cream on his name day
April 20, 2018
The Pope visited Alessano, southern Italy, the birthplace of Bishop Bello, whose Cause was opened in 2007
April 19, 2018
As Paul Ryan stands down, a new generation of Catholics is thinking differently
April 18, 2018
Tom Evans met the Pope before the Pontiff's weekly general audience
April 16, 2018
'God surely was proud of your father,' the Pope said
April 16, 2018
He prayed that sick people are cared for 'with the unanimous support of family members, doctors and other medical professionals'
April 15, 2018
Holy Father makes appeal in introduction to new book
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