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Pope Francis
March 14, 2021 exercise of brute force clothed in a gossamer administrative fig-leaf, with implausible reason given — raising questions of the true motive — ill-considered, ad hoc, juridically slapdash at best,...
March 10, 2021
He said that by visiting Iraq, he had fulfilled a dream of his predecessor Pope John Paul II, who had hoped to mark the turn of the millennium with a journey “in the footsteps of Abraham,” but was unable to travel to the ancient city of Ur.
March 08, 2021
During an in-flight press conference on the flight back to Rome March 8, the pope was asked if the meeting with al-Sistani was a message to the religious leaders of Iran.
March 03, 2021
After blessing and signing the luxury sports car, the Vatican auctioned it off six months later via Sotheby’s in London for $950,000, a portion of which was earmarked to help with the restoration of destroyed towns in the Nineveh Plains. The pontifical foundation Aid to the Church in Need was entrusted with 200,000 euros (around $240,000), which it used to complete two building projects in Iraq, according to its director in Rome.
March 03, 2021
To change domestic policy, or even the course of a war, it is more important to amuse the monarch than inform him, and an insinuation will work better than an argument.
March 01, 2021
From fiction to biography, the allure of the Vatican is like no other
March 01, 2021
William Cash admires John Cornwell's latest book, Church, Interrupted: Havoc & Hope: The Tender Revolt of Pope Francis
March 01, 2021
As Pope Francis sends the religous book market into overdrive, Serenhedd James investigates the new blockbuster battleground
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