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Pope Francis
August 12, 2015
In his general audience, Francis continued his series of talks about the family in anticipation of September's celebration of the World Meeting of Families
August 12, 2015
Pope Francis has chosen 'Overcome indifference and win peace' as the theme for the Church's celebration on January 1
August 12, 2015
We have plenty of feasts suitable for reflecting on Creation. Why September 1?
August 12, 2015
During the papal visit to the US, Francis will visit Philadelphia for the World Meeting of Families
August 11, 2015
The Holy Father discussed his encyclical on the environment during the interview with an Argentine radio station
August 10, 2015
The day of prayer will give the faithful an opportunity to implore God's help in protecting creation, says Francis
August 10, 2015
The Pontiff was speaking on the 70th anniversary of the bombings of the Japanese cities
August 06, 2015
The Pope says he prays for Iraq's refugees every day
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