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Pope Francis
November 10, 2015
'I want a happy Church with the face of a mother, who understands, accompanies, caresses,' Holy Father tells Italian Catholics
November 10, 2015
'Homilies should be the transmission of God's grace,' Holy Father says as he ordains new auxiliary bishop of Rome
November 10, 2015
The business of interpreting the Holy Father has become a full-time job for some commentators, and it is hard to see who, apart from them, benefits
November 09, 2015
But there is one country where the Church seems to be very wealthy
November 07, 2015
Never tire of defending those 'who have the right to be born to life', Francis tells activists
November 06, 2015
Pope Francis celebrated Mass today in the chapel of his residence
November 06, 2015
Comboni missionary says he hopes Pope Francis will renew 'this beautiful country drenched in blood'
November 06, 2015
The Pope made the remark in an interview with a Dutch homeless man
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