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Pope Francis
July 08, 2016
The bishop says he would like both clergy and lay people to 'review and develop our pastoral practice'
July 08, 2016
Catholic League president Bill Donohue says the mayor is 'misusing his public office'
July 07, 2016
Archbishop will have significant influence over future episcopal appointments in the United States
July 06, 2016
The Pope has delivered a video message to participants at the "Together for Europe" gathering in Munich
July 06, 2016
Francis expressed 'feelings of deepest sympathy and compassion' to Beau Solomon's parents
July 06, 2016
Here are four ideas that have helped me move forward with my dream of making a difference in the Church
July 05, 2016
Pope Francis has delivered a video message to help launch Caritas Internationalis's Syria: Peace is Possible campaign
July 05, 2016
Pope Francis will make a 'simple and private pilgrimage' to Assisi on August 4
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