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Pope Francis
October 05, 2016
Pope Francis praised Vodafone's charitable work but encouraged the company to provide access to religious texts
October 05, 2016
In his prayer intentions for October, the Pope asks for prayers for journalists and World Mission Day
October 05, 2016
The Pontiff discussed his recent visit to Azerbaijan and Georgia at his weekly address
October 05, 2016
The cardinal condemned the 'ideological clash of factions' over ad orientem worship
October 04, 2016
The organisations cited the Pope's encyclical on the environment as the inspiration for the decision
October 04, 2016
Pope Francis visited Amatrice, in central Italy, on Tuesday morning
October 03, 2016
Making the murdered French priest a saint will also challenge Catholics to ask themselves, am I prepared to die in God's service?
October 03, 2016
Quoting a Muslim poet, Francis said religions should help people build better societies
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