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Pope Francis
July 02, 2017
Vatican says Holy Father is following Charlie Gard situation 'with affection and commotion'
June 29, 2017
The cardinals who elected Pope Francis hoped for major curial reform. Why isn't it going to plan?
June 28, 2017
The Pope had previously reduced the sentence of Fr Mauro Inzoli
June 28, 2017
Cardinals are not called to be 'princes of the Church' but to be servants to their people, Francis said
June 28, 2017
The Pope said cardinals are called to be grandfathers who help young people find meaning in their lives
June 25, 2017
Francis urges priests and bishops to maintain 'evangelical closeness' to their flocks
June 24, 2017
The Pope will also celebrate Mass in Bogota's Simon Bolivar park that is expected to draw up to a million people
June 22, 2017
By January next year, the Pope will have visited nearly every country in South America - apart from his homeland
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