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Pope Benedict XVI
April 06, 2011
The Pope dedicates general audience to 19th-century Carmelite nun
April 06, 2011
Mgr Keith Newton met Pope Benedict XVI last week in a private audience at the Vatican
April 06, 2011
It’s about building 'fraternity and peace': anything wrong with that?
April 06, 2011
The Pope and other religious leaders will make speeches and sign a commitment to peace when they meet at Assisi in October
April 04, 2011
Benedict XVI tells young people in foreword to YouCat that they must know their faith 'with precision'
March 31, 2011
From now on it is prohibited to use the voice of the Pope for commercial purposes
March 31, 2011
Can a Catholic support environmentalism, or is the modern green movement entirely incompatible with Church teaching?
March 30, 2011
Pope Benedict XVI pleads for peace in the country and says he has sent Cardinal Turkson as an envoy
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