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Pope Benedict XVI
July 29, 2011
Can removing bishops, redrawing dioceses and a papal visit next year lead the Irish Church towards renewal?
July 29, 2011
Benedict XVI has donated a signed photograph of himself for a charity auction this September. The proceeds will help children in the Darfur region of Sudan
July 25, 2011
Oslo bishop says attacks have united the country and that people have found strength in spite of their grief
July 22, 2011
Both at the CDF and as Pope he has clearly directed that crimes must be reported to the civil authorities
July 20, 2011
That depends on our new nuncio: and fingers crossed, he’s the Pope’s man too
July 19, 2011
After a groundbreaking meeting, Malaysia now has diplomatic relations with the Vatican. The country's prime minister Najib Abdul Razak met with the Pope on Monday at Castel Gandolfo
July 15, 2011
Benedict XVI's forthcoming trip to Benin will be his second to Africa
July 11, 2011
Benedict XVI tells crowd: 'One can find everything here - the mountains, the lake, the sea, a beautiful church and good people'
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