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Pope Benedict XVI
October 27, 2011
Benedict XVI tells 300 religious leaders that believers must 'purify their faith' to help peace
October 26, 2011
Benedict XVI says he hopes the meeting will promote dialogue in a world 'still torn by hatred'
October 20, 2011
The Bishop of Leeds told Pope Benedict XVI that the new translation had gone down well in parishes
October 20, 2011
Benedict XVI blesses a new pilgrimage centre in Rome for Australian pilgrims
October 19, 2011
Remembering all of God's gifts to humanity 'opens up the path of light amid darkness', says Benedict XVI
October 19, 2011
During his general audience the Pope reflected on Psalm 136, known as the Great Hallel, which was sung at the Passover meal and explains the love of God
October 19, 2011
His own life was a pilgrimage of joyful suffering towards a closer union with Christ
October 19, 2011
Papal pilgrimage will unite Muslims, Chinese Buddhists, Japanese Shintoists, Native Americans, Zoroastrians and atheist philosophers
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