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Pope Benedict XVI
July 07, 2017
Despite predictions of chaos and division, Pope Benedict's Motu Proprio has enriched the church
June 07, 2017
The cardinal said some criticisms of the former pope's preface to his latest book were 'diabolical and cover the Church with a mantle of sadness and shame'
May 18, 2017
The retired pope has given a rare endorsement of a serving Church official
May 16, 2017
Most of the great theologians have defended the principle of capital punishment. We're in danger of forgetting why
May 05, 2017
The Vatican media operation has often gone so badly wrong that it created embarrassment which eventually became the story
April 28, 2017
A daily guide to what's happening in the Catholic Church
April 20, 2017
Scripture scholars had started to read the Bible as if it were simply a classic text. Benedict XVI helped to change that
April 17, 2017
A daily guide to what's happening in the Catholic Church
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