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August 24, 2016
The Pope says he was encouraged by Polish Catholics' 'strong faith' and 'unwavering hope'
August 03, 2016
The Pontiff told the faithful that young people today gave 'strong signs' of hope and brotherhood in a world plagued with 'cruelty'
August 03, 2016
The Pope told Polish bishops that there are powerful institutions which fund the spread of gender theory in schools
August 02, 2016
We must believe 'in a new humanity' and stand against extremism on one side and relativism on the other
August 02, 2016
Cardinal Franciszek Macharski became Archbishop of Kraków after the election of Pope John Paul II
August 01, 2016
Pope Francis told young Catholics that his compatriot is the greatest footballer of all time
July 31, 2016
The Pope met volunteers and organisers before boarding a flight back to Rome
July 30, 2016
The Pope spoke to crowds gathered outside the archbishop's residence in Kraków on Friday night
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