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March 16, 2011
Why are we giving hundreds of millions to brutal regimes like Pakistan and northern Sudan?
March 16, 2011
Prison authorities claim Qamar David died of a heart attack but his family have disputed this, saying he was fit and healthy
March 07, 2011
Christians from all over Pakistan attend funeral in Kushpur, Faisalabad, while prime minister calls assassinated minister 'a very rare leader'
March 04, 2011
The blood of Salmaan Taseer and Shahbaz Bhatti will not be shed in vain
March 04, 2011
But the chances for reform of the Pakistani blasphemy laws are now looking slim
March 02, 2011
Shahbaz Bhatti, Minister for Minorities, had received death threats from extremists but refused to stop speaking out
February 16, 2011
Shahbaz Bhatti, the first Christian to hold a cabinet post in Pakistan, vows to continue opposing blasphemy law despite threats
January 11, 2011
In state of the world address Pope Benedict says threats to religious freedom abound, even in the west
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