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August 03, 2015
Pastor James McConnell is entitled to say politically incorrect things from the pulpit
June 29, 2015
Nearly 5,000 people sign petition
May 25, 2015
Half a century after Nostra Aetate, ignorance rules, says Vatican leader on inter-religious dialogue
May 07, 2015
Don’t be fooled by appearances: the meek-looking Bishop Alessandro has the heart of a lion and is putting his life on the line in northern Kenya
April 30, 2015
Facing hostility from secularists at home and violence from Islamists abroad, the faithful should stop pursuing lost social causes and focus instead on defending religious freedom
April 28, 2015
Cardinal Bechara Rai tells UNESCO that Christians are 'irreplaceable peacemakers' and, without them, 'Islam will fall into the hands of fundamentalists'
April 15, 2015
A teenage boy was attacked on Friday for saying he was a Christian
April 11, 2015
Pope says Holy Year of Mercy is 'a time to offer everyone the way of forgiveness and reconciliation'
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