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September 14, 2016
A priest explains how he brought his parish from 'in the red' into the light
September 08, 2016
Tune in and find out what's really happening in the Catholic Church
August 23, 2016
The corny but hilarious Irish sitcom depicts the Church as a natural part of everyday life
August 05, 2016
The landmark ruling has ramifications for the abortion debate in Ireland
August 05, 2016
A daily guide to what's happening in the Catholic Church
August 03, 2016
Archbishop Diarmuid Martin of Dublin made the decision after allegations of inappropriate sexual behaviour
July 04, 2016
The All Ireland Rally for Life was not met with the kind of bewilderment that greets pro-life marches in the rest of the UK
June 11, 2016
Six Catholics were shot at the Loughinisland pub while watching a World Cup match in 1994
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