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Holy Week
April 26, 2011
Archbishop Nichols celebrates Chrism Mass at Westminster Cathedral
April 26, 2011
Nearly 1,000 members of new ordinariate start life as Catholics after Holy Week receptions
April 20, 2011
Jesus warned believers against the soul's 'insensitivity' towards evil, Pope Benedict XVI says at general audience
April 20, 2011
One of the glories of the Triduum is the long and silent adoration at the Altar of Repose. One of its miseries is the attempt by misguided people to fill in the silence
April 20, 2011
A daily guide to what's happening in the Catholic Church
April 15, 2011
A daily guide to what's happening in the Catholic Church
March 15, 2011
Over 4,700 took part in Rite of Election ceremonies in dioceses around England and Wales, including about 800 members of the ordinariate
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